Quiz 2 the Renaissance Art Chaper 7 Y 8

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How, When and Where Class 8 MCQs Questions with Answers

Actualization Students of Class 8 Exams can download MCQ on How, When and Where Class viii with Answers from hither. Past practicing Class 8 History Chapter 1 MCQ with Answers, you can score well in the exam. Download Class viii SST History Chapter i MCQ in PDF format from the below access links and first practicing on a regular footing for better discipline noesis.

Question i.
Who was the Scottish economist and political philosopher during 1817?
(a) Wellesley
(b) James Princep
(c) Canning
(d) James Mill


Answer: (d) James Mill

Question ii.
Other the keeping Records, the practice which became common in colonial administration:
(a) Editing
(b) Reading
(c) Surveying
(d) Competing


Answer: (c) Surveying

Question 3.
The National Archives of India came up in:
(a) 1920
(half-dozen) 1910
(c) 1935
(d) 1915


Reply: (a) 1920

Question 4.
Those who are specialised in art of beautiful writing:
(a) Literate
(b) Caligraphists
(c) Artists
(d) Novelists


Answer: (b) Caligraphists

Question 5.
Who was the last Viceroy of India?
(a) Lord Irwin
(b) Lord Canning
(c) Lord Harding
(d) Lord Mountbatten


Reply: (d) Lord Mountbatten
The histories began with the rule of the commencement Governor-General, Warren Hastings, and concluded with the final Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten.

Question half-dozen.
How did many historians refer British period in Republic of india as?
(a) Modern
(b) Colonial
(c) Political subjugation
(d) None of these
Friction match the following


Answer: (b) Colonial
Many historians refer to this menses as 'colonial'. They established control over the economy and society, nerveless revenue to meet all their expenses, bought the goods they wanted at low prices.

Question vii.
At present nearly what Historians do not write?
(a) How people earned their livelihood
(b) What was produced
(c) How markets came up
(d) Kings and battles


Respond: (c) How markets came up
Historian looks at how people earned their livelihood, what they produced and ate how cities developed and not nigh markets came up, how kingdoms were formed and new ideas spread, and how cultures and lodge changed.

Question 8.
What practise yous mean by Colonisation?
(a) Conquest of one state by another.
(b) Subjugation of two country by another country.
(c) Subjugation of one land by another
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Subjugation of one state by another
Colonisation means Subjugation of one country by another, leading to political, social and economical changes.

Question nine.
Who produced beginning map of India?
(a) James Manufacturing plant
(b) James Rennel
(c) William
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) James Rennel
James Rennel was asked past Robert Clive to produce maps of Hindustan. An enthusiastic supporter of British conquest of Republic of india, Rennel saw preparation of maps as essential to the process of domination.

Question x.
Where was National Athenaeum in India located?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Madras
(c) Delhi
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Delhi
The National Archives in India came up in 1920s and it is located in Delhi. The National Museum and the National Archives were both located shut to the Vice regal Palace.

Question 11.
Who was Warren Hastings?
(a) Last Governor Full general
(b) First Governor General
(c) First Indian Governor Full general
(d) None of these


Reply: (b) First Governor Full general
Warren hasting was the outset Governor Full general of India. These histories began with the rule of the first Governor-Full general, Warren Hastings and ended with the last Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten.

Question 12.
What are the sources of information of the periods?
(a) Primary sources
(b) Secondary sources
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these


Answer: (c) Both a and b
The sources of information of periods are Principal sources and Secondary sources. Time does not have to exist always precisely dated in terms of a particular year or a month.

Question 13.
Who was James Manufacturing plant?
(a) Indian economist
(b) Scottish economist
(c) British economist
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Scottish economist
James Manufactory was a Scottish economist and a political philosopher who published a massive three volume, work.

Question 14.
What practise you mean by contemporary?
(a) The term refers to the futurity period.
(b) The term refers to the present catamenia.
(c) The term refers to the past period.
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) The term refers to the present period.
Gimmicky ways the term refers to the present or modernistic period or belonging to the present time.

Question 15.
What do you mean by Survey?
(a) A study of Animals
(b) A study or investigation of of import facts
(c) A study of birds
(d) None of these


Reply: (b) A study or investigation of of import facts
Survey ways a study or investigation of of import facts and figures regarding a particular field of study, topic or a country for acquiring additional and specific information for further study or investigation.

Question 16.
When did the National Athenaeum came upwardly in India?
(a) 1875
(b) 1956
(c) 1920
(d) 1985


Answer: (c) 1920
The National Archives of India came up in the 1920s. When New Delhi was congenital, the National Museum and the National Athenaeum were both located close to the Vice imperial Palace.

Question 17.
In which year James Factory published 'A History of British Bharat'?
(a) 1817
(b) 1896
(c) 1853
(d) 1800


Answer: (a) 1817
In 1817, James Factory, a Scottish economist and political philosopher, published a massive three-volume work 'A History of British India'.

Question 18.
What is Renaissance?
(a) Re-wedlock
(b) Re-birth
(c) Re-engagement
(d) All of these


Answer: (b) Re-nascency
It means re-nativity and refers to European history from 14th to 16th century when there was revival of art, learning and culture.

Question 19.
What is a Directory?
(a) Gave the correct to speak to the citizens
(b) Gave the right to vote to the citizens
(c) Gave the right to freedom to the citizens
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Gave the right to vote to the citizens
Directory was an executive council in frame which was set upward nether the new constitution in 1795. Information technology gave the right to vote to the citizens.

Match the following


Column I Column Two
i. Battle of 1857 (a) Prince Arthur
2. Warren Hastings (b) Map of Hindustan
3. Duke of Connaught (c) Sepoy Mutiny
4. James Rennel (d) 1773
5. James Mill (e) 1817


Column I Column II
1. Battle of 1857 (c) Sepoy Mutiny
2. Warren Hastings (d) 1773
iii. Duke of Connaught (a) Prince Arthur
4. James Rennel (b) Map of Hindustan
v. James Mill (e) 1817

Fill in the blanks

1. Britannia was the symbol of ……………………… .


Reply: Power

two. Warren Hastings became the starting time Governor General of India in ……………………… .


Reply: 1773

3. Last ……………………… of India was Lord Mountbatten.


Reply: Viceory

Picture Based Questions

MCQ Questions for Class 8 History Chapter 1
1. What does the picture describes?
2. When was the building fabricated?
3. How is information technology related to British Rule.


1. The pic is a building chosen 'National Archives in Bharat'.
two. The Edifice was made in 1920's.
3. The Building reflects the importance of this institution in relation to British.

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