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Honeywell Lyric Gateway


The Lyric™ Gateway combines a security system and home automation with flexibility to operate your system locally using Wi-Fi® connection or remotely over the internet using mobile ( smart ) devices and easy to use Apps.

Your system can include wireless sensors to provide burglary protection and smoke and combustion detectors to provide early fire and carbon monoxide (CO) warnings (if installed).

Your Gateway system monitors sensors and system status to initiate alarms and generate alerts. The system can also send alarm and status messages to a central monitoring station via the cellular phone network or the Internet, if programmed to do so.

Convenient methods of operating the Gateway include the following:

• The Gateway's touchpad

• Your Total Connect™ Remote Services account (for local and remote access)

• The MyHome™ Gateway App (for local access)

• Optional wireless keys (key fobs), Lyric keypads and smart devices.

Download and install the free MyHome Gateway™ and Total Connect™ Apps from your smart device's App Store.

NOTE: The MyHome Gateway App requires connection to the Gateway via the premise's Wi-Fi® router (Ethernet cable or Wi-Fi). The Total Connect App requires internet or cellular connection for remote access to the Gateway.

Note for Android Mobile Device Users: Before using the MyHome Gateway App, disable Power Saving mode on your device. Failure to do so may cause the app to lose connection to the Gateway if the mobile device enters power save mode.

About This Guide

Throughout the User Reference Guide, icons help you easily identify which control options are available for different system features:

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In the Operating your Gateway with the MyHome Gateway App section, various menu commands are also listed for operating different system features. For example, if you see:

Home > Security > Tools > Users

This means: From the MyHome Gateway App Home screen, select Security.

From the Security menu, select Tools.

From the Tools menu, select Users.

Note that the illustrations in this document may differ slightly from your system.

Basic System Functions

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False Alarm Prevention

Many false alarms are caused by minor problems, such as a door or window left open when exiting the home. Gateway includes several features to help prevent false alarms. Note that some are optional or must be programmed by the installer. Disabling these features may increase security, but may also increase the chance of false alarms.

Your installer can help you decide how to use and customize these features. A brief explanation of false alarm prevention features follows, along with advice on what to do if false alarms occur.

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Security Features

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Getting Started

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Your installer will have set up your system and helped you install the MyHome Gateway™ App on at least one mobile (smart) device. Up to 8 mobile devices can be used to manage your System Security, Automation, Smart Scenes, Video and Settings. Each mobile device you want to use to manage your system with the MyHome Gateway App must be added to the system.

Adding (enrolling) mobile devices in your system

1. Download the Honeywell MyHome Gateway App to the mobile device(s) that will be used to control your system.

MyHome Gateway App

Gateway and device must be on the same Wi-Fi network

This free App lets you operate your Security, Video and Automation Functions;

Change system settings; add mobile devices and Z-Wave® components

2. Ensure each smart device is connected to the same local Wi-Fi network as the Gateway (check Settings > Wi-Fi on the device).

3. Launch the MyHome Gateway App on a device.

4. Enter your Master user code then 2 1 on the Gateway Touchpad.

5. The App displays a six-digit "Pairing key" number. Enter that number on the Gateway Touchpad.

6. When prompted, enter a valid user code on the MyHome Gateway App screen to complete the enrollment. The screen confirms the enrollment success and opens the App Home screen.

Refer to the Operating your Gateway with the MyHome Gateway App section in this User Reference Guide to operate your system with the MyHome Gateway App.

Gateway Menu Modes

The Gateway provides a Menu Mode with options to add and delete smart devices from your system or change the system Wi-Fi network.

Access the Menu Mode when the System is disarmed and the numbers are off. Enter the Master user code then the two-digit code for the desired mode option:

Enter Code… To…

1 1 hear the list of available menu mode options.

2 0 delete all enrolled MyHome Gateway App devices from your Gateway.

NOTE: You will need to re-enroll any devices you want to use to operate your Gateway with the MyHome Gateway App.

2 1 enroll or re-enroll devices with the MyHome Gateway App in your Gateway

3 1 Enters the Gateway in Access Point mode; used to change your Wi-Fi setup

if your network connection/router changes. See Manually Configure

Access Point in Wi-FI (Network) Configuration section for details.

4 1 Enter the Gateway in WPS enrollment mode; used to change or set your Wi

Fi network connections/router to a router that supports WPS. Enter the

Master User code then 4 1 on the Gateway touchpad, then press the WPS button on the router. The Gateway announces when the connection is complete.

Operating your system using the Gateway Touchpad

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The Gateway Touchpad is designed to operate your basic security features. It also lets you quickly see your system status by which items on the Touchpad are lit.

The Status Shield and arming options are always lit and color coded to show system status at a glance. Emergency is also always lit, so it is easy to find, when needed. The other options on the touchpad light only when needed.

System Status Shield

The Status Shield indicates system status with these behaviors:

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See the Emergency section for information on silent alarms.

System Alert

If the system experiences a condition such as AC power loss, connectivity or a communication problem, the Alert blinks.

Press Alert and the Gateway announces the system Alert condition and suggested actions .

NOTE: If the Gateway loses AC power, Alert begins to blink slowly after 15 minutes on

battery backup and all other lights on the Gateway are off. In this situation, although the Emergency light is off, Emergency functions remain available.

System Sounds

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Arming Options and LEDs

Press any of the arming options and the numbers light. Basic security functions include:

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Switching Arming Modes

You can easily switch between arming modes without having to first disarm the system. When the system is armed or while arming or disarming, simply press the desired arming option and enter your user code. (This feature is available only from the Gateway Touchpad or a Wireless Key.)

Auto-Home Mode Operation: If your system is programmed to do so, it automatically arms in Home mode when you select Armed Away but no one opens an exit-delay door. [This mode is not available when arming using Total Connect.]

Emergency Options

Depending on your system set up, when an Emergency Type option is pressed, emergency messages can be sent to your monitoring company (if programmed to do so).

Refer to the Emergency Alarms section of Operating your Gateway with the MyHome Gateway App for additional details.

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Network Configuration from the Gateway

If your network connections or router change, you can connect to the network via the Gateway or using the MyHome Gateway App. To configure the network via the Gateway touchpad:

WPS Enrollment Method

To connect to a WPS router:

1. Enter the Master User code then 4 1 on the Gateway touchpad.

2. Press the WPS button on your router.

3. When done, the system announces the network connection is complete.

Gateway AP Enrollment Method

Gateway AP Enrollment Method:

1. Enter Master User code then 3 1 on the Gateway touchpad. (Once in this mode, the MyHome Gateway App disconnects because it is no longer on the same network.)

2. On your mobile device, go to the System Wi-Fi Settings and change the Wi-Fi setting to the Gateway AP.

a. Select the Gateway SSID and, press CONNECT. (The SSID OPTGW_#### is listed on a label on the bottom of the Gateway.)

b. When prompted, enter Gateway's 8-Digit case sensitive WPA2 Password. (The password is also on the SSID label.)

3. Launch the MyHome Gateway App on a device.

4. Enter your Master user code then 2 1 on the Gateway Touchpad.

5. The App displays a six-digit "Pairing key" number. Enter that number on the Gateway Touchpad and the system announces when Enrollment is completed.

6. When prompted, enter a valid user code on the MyHome Gateway App screen. The App screen confirms enrollment success and opens the App Home screen.

7. Navigate to the Network Configuration list of Wi-Fi options screen and press Manual Config AP. The Wi-Fi enrollment menu appears. (Fields include Network Type, which cannot be changed.)

8. Press SSID Name, enter your network's name, press Done and Save.

9. Press Security, choose the same security protocol as your router. Options include Open, WPA/WPA2 and WPA2. (WEP is not supported.)

10. If a password is required, press Key, then enter the password, press Done and Save.

11. Press JOIN and a confirmation screen appears.

12. Press Yes. The system announces connection to the network.

NOTE: Network Configuration can also be managed using the MyHome Gateway App. See

WI-Fi (Network) Configuration in the Systems Settings section.

Operating your Gateway using the MyHome Gateway App

Use the MyHome Gateway™ App to manage your System Security, Automation, Smart Scenes, Video and Settings:

Home Menu Overview

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The Tools Menu Overview

Home > Security > Tools

NOTE: The Master User code is required to access Tools.

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Home > Security


If the Gateway is beeping rapidly when you enter the premises, an alarm has occurred and an intruder may still be nearby.


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The MyHome Gateway App displays the system arming status, top and center of the screen:

Ready to Arm = the system is ready to be armed.

Not Ready To Arm-Fault = one or more zones are faulted. The system cannot be armed until all zone faults are fixed or bypassed.

Armed [Home, Away, Custom, etc.] = the system is armed, and arming mode description.

Arming the System

Before arming your system, all protected doors, windows, and other protection zones should be closed or bypassed (see Bypassing Protection Zones).

To change the volume of countdown sounds and security status voice announcements, see System Settings.

Arming states include

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Arm Away

Security > Arm Away

By default, this mode's exit delay countdown is accompanied by a beeping sound.

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For a silent exit, press Silent Exit first.

• The system beeps twice and announces "Armed Away; exit now". The exit delay countdown begins.

• Press Restart Timer if you need more time to leave.

• Leave the premises and close the door before the countdown ends.

• The system arms in Away mode. (Door and window sensors and interior motion sensors are active.)

Arm Home

Security > Arm Home

By default, this mode's exit delay countdown is silent.

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• The system beeps three times and announces "Armed Home; exit now". The exit delay countdown begins.

• Press Restart Timer if you need more time to leave.

• The system arms in Home mode. Door and window sensors are active, but interior motion sensors are not active.

Arm Custom

Security > Arm Custom

Use this option to pre-set zones for bypass when arming the system. You can also enable or disable the entry delay.

1. Select Arm Custom to display a list of zones.

2. Select the zones you wish to bypass when arming the system.

3. Select Arm Custom on the zone list screen.

4. A numerical keypad appears.

Select Entry Delay if desired. (See Instant Mode for more about disabling Entry Delay.)

5. Arm the system by entering a user code.

6. The exit delay countdown begins.

7. If leaving, exit the premises and close the door.

Bypassed zones are left unprotected.

NOTE: The next time Arm Custom is used, the same zones that were previously selected are highlighted on the zone list screen. If desired, select different zones for custom arming.

Instant Mode

Security > Arm Custom

In Instant mode, an alarm occurs immediately when a protected Entry/Exit is opened.

There is no Entry delay during which a code can be entered to disarm the system.

1. Select Arm Custom to display the zone list screen.

2. If any zones have been previously set for bypass, deselect them.

3. Press Arm Custom.

4. When the keypad appears, de-select Entry Delay.

5. Enter a user code to arm the system and leave the premises during exit delay.

Arm Night

Security > Arm Home

Arm Night must be enabled by your security installer.

1. Select Arm Home to display the keypad.

2. Select Arm Night and then enter a user code.

3. The system beeps and announces "Armed Night Home mode". Exit delay begins.

Press Restart Timer if you need more time to leave.

4. The system arms in Arm Night mode. Doors and windows and pre-selected interior zones are active.

Disarming the System

Security > Disarm

NOTE: Disarming the system also silences audible alarms and trouble alerts.

To disarm your security system:

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• The system beeps and announces "Disarmed", followed by alerts about system readiness, if any.

• A "Check system" announcement indicates a faulted sensor or problems in the Gateway itself.

In most situations, if a valid user code is not entered within 30 seconds of pressing Disarm, the Home screen reappears, and the system remains armed.

NOTES: • If a valid code is not entered by the time the entry delay ends, an alarm occurs.

• The Guest code and the Installer code can only disarm the system if that code was used to arm the system. If the Quick Arm option has been used, neither the Guest Code nor Installer Code can disarm the system.

User Code Error (Touchpad Lockout)

When the screen displays User Code Error, it means too many invalid user codes have been entered. The system will not accept additional user code entries for 15 minutes (lockout period).

Bypassing Protection Zones

Any zones with faults must be cleared before arming the system.

Bypass allows arming the system while intentionally leaving selected zones unprotected.

Bypassed zones will not trigger an alarm.

To Bypass zones:

1. Before arming the system, press Zones on the Security menu. A list of your system's zones appears. Faulted (open) zones are shown in red or orange.

To choose which zone list to view (All, Alarm, Trouble, Fault or Bypassed zones), press Select on the bottom, right of the screen.

Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list of zones.

2. Select the zone(s) to be bypassed.

3. Press BYPASS and enter a user code.

If programmed, you can select BYPASS FAULTED and enter a user code. This selects and bypasses all zones with faults or other issues.

A Bypass icon [^] appears on Bypassed zones on the zone lists.

4. Arm the system as usual.

NOTES: • Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Emergency zones cannot be bypassed.

Bypassed zones are automatically un-bypassed when the system is disarmed.

Press Clear Bypass to un-bypass any previously bypassed zones.

Entry and Exit Delays

NOTE: Entry and exit delay times are programmed by your installer. There is room to jot them down in Your System Information, near the end of this guide.

Entry Delay

Entry delay allows time to disarm the system when entering the premises. If the system is not disarmed before the entry delay period ends, an alarm occurs. If programmed, the Gateway beeps during the entry delay period as a reminder to disarm the system.

Two different entry delay periods can be programmed. The first is for the primary entrance, typically, the front door. The second can be used for a secondary entrance, where more time might be needed to walk to the Gateway to disarm the system.

Exit Delay

Exit delay begins immediately after the system is armed, providing time to leave through the designated exit door without causing an alarm. In most situations, the MyHome Gateway App screen displays a countdown of the remaining time. The exit door must be closed before the end of the exit delay.

Typically, the system beeps slowly when counting down to Arm Away and the beeping speeds up during the last 10 seconds of the delay period. The exit beeps cannot be silenced unless Silent Exit is selected.

Restart Exit Delay

The Restart Timer option appears only if the option has been programmed by the installer.

Exit delay can be restarted once.

Exit Alarm

This option helps minimize false alarms sent to the monitoring company. Exit Alarm is always enabled.

Exit delay begins whenever the system is armed.

• If an exterior door or protected interior zone is faulted during the exit delay (and remains faulted when the exit delay ends), an exit alarm occurs and an entry delay countdown begins.

• If the system is disarmed before the entry delay ends, the alarm sound stops and the message Alarm Exit Error and any faulted zones appear.

No message is sent to the monitoring company. Any open zones must be secured before the exit alarm condition can be cleared.

To clear the display, press Disarm and enter a security code.

• If the system is not disarmed before the entry delay ends, and an entry/exit door or interior zone is still open, the alarm sound continues and an Exit Alarm message is sent to the alarm monitoring company, along with a "Recent Close" message (the Recent Close option is always enabled).

• The message Alarm Exit Error appears. Faulted zones are also displayed. The alarm continues to sound until the system is disarmed or timeout occurs.

To stop the alarm, disarm the system. The message Not Ready to Arm-Fault is displayed and faulted zones continue to be displayed.

To clear the display, press Disarm and re-enter the security code.

An exit alarm ("Alarm – Entry Exit") also occurs if an entry/exit door or interior zone is faulted within two minutes after the end of the exit delay.

Emergency Alarms

Available Emergency modes may vary, depending on the options programmed by your installer.


Use the Gateway Touchpad to trigger an Emergency. An Emergency can be canceled or cleared from the Gateway Touchpad, the MyHome Gateway App or Total Connect.

Activating an Emergency Alarm

1. Press Emergency on the Gateway .

2. Press the appropriate Emergency type option on the Touchpad.

Depending on the Emergency mode selected, an alarm tone sounds and the appropriate alarm icon appears on the MyHome Gateway screen.

Pressing Police can send a silent message to your monitoring company if programmed to do so. Verify this setting with your installer.

Common Emergency Types

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Canceling Alarms from MyHome Gateway

Depending on the type of alarm in effect, a keypad may appear immediately after the alarm is initiated.

1. Enter a user code to cancel the alarm.

2. The audible alarms stop and Alarm Cancel appears.

If a silent alarm has been activated and the Home screen is displayed:

1. Select Security on the Home screen. Typically, a "Not Ready to Arm" message and the Disarm icon appears.

2. Press Disarm and enter a user code.

3. The screen changes to the normal Security menu.

Clearing Alarms

After an alarm is canceled, the MyHome Gateway App continues to display zone information associated with the alarm (this feature is known as Memory of Alarm).

To clear memory of alarm, press Disarm and enter the user code again.

Memory of alarm can also be dismissed with these steps:

1. Cancel and silence the alarm as above.

2. Press Zones on the Security menu. The zone number associated with the type of alarm appears.

3. Press CLEAR ALARMS and enter a user code.

4. Press t3 to return to the Security menu or press the Home button.

NOTE: If any Emergency is canceled and cleared before a report is sent, an alarm will not be sent to the monitoring company.

Chimes/Voice Annunciations


The Chime feature is intended for convenience and is not intended for life safety purposes or pool alarm and does not meet the requirements of UL 2017.


Home > Settings

Gateway can be set to give audible notifications when a protected zone opens while the system is disarmed.

On the Settings screen:

1. Select CHIME and PANEL VOICE to enable chime sounds and voice annunciations.

De-select PANEL VOICE for chime sounds only.

De-select CHIME to mute these audible notifications.

2. Adjust Panel Volume with the slider.

3. Press Save.

NOTES: • The system must be disarmed to change chime and voice settings.

• Chime related Voice annunciations are controlled by enabling or disabling CHIME.

• Voice annunciations should not be confused with Gateway's Two-Way Voice (Audio Alarm Verification) feature.

• With Chime enabled, the Gateway sounds a selectable tone when a protected zone is opened. See Selectable Chime Sounds below

• General voice annunciations, such as arming and disarming notifications, are controlled by enabling or disabling PANEL VOICE.only.

Selectable Chime Sounds

Chime sounds are set by your installer and can be changed using the MyHome Gateway

App. See Edit Chime.

Chime tones may not be selectable for some devices, such as those associated with smoke and CO detectors.

Audio Alarm Verification (Two-Way Voice)

This feature allows your central monitoring station to listen to or talk with individual(s) on the premises when an alarm has occurred (if programmed to do so).

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Automation: Z-Wave and Other Devices

Home > Automation


Automation can ONLY be used for lifestyle enhancement. It must not be used for personal safety or property protection.

Working with Z-Wave Devices


Z-Wave automation functionality is supplementary only and has not been evaluated by compliance agency.

Z-Wave technology is designed to automate devices in a home control network. The Lyric™ Gateway is a security enabled Z-Wave Plus device that uses encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages to communicate to other Z-Wave Plus products; it also supports Z-Wave Network Wide Inclusion (NWI) Mode.

The Gateway and Z-Wave devices added to your system are linked together in a wireless network. Each device in the network is assigned a unique address and cannot be activated by a neighbor's Z-Wave controller. The Z-Wave network supports multiple controllers, allowing remote control of Z-Wave devices throughout the home.

This product can be included and operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified devices from other manufacturers and/or other applications.

All non-battery operated nodes within the network act as repeaters, regardless of vendor, to increase the network reliability.

NOTES: • Z-Wave Grouping Identifier of Gateway is 1 and used for the Lifeline association.

• The maximum number of devices that can be added to the group is 1.

• Any received BASIC commands will be ignored.

• In some cases, a Z-Wave device might not report its status to the Gateway and/or Total Connect when an action is initiated at the device itself (ex. Thermostat low battery message or manual change of thermostat status). This varies with the manufacturer.

Press Automation on the Home screen. The Automation (Z-Wave Device) Management screen appears, initially displaying categories of Z-Wave devices. ( Your MyHome Gateway App's display may differ from these illustrations.)

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This screen may also display "Press to see Failed Devices". See Failed Devices (Failed Nodes) for more information.

Press Setup for more options:

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Working with Z-Wave Devices (Continued)

Consult your installer about the options available in your system.

Selecting a device category opens a list of devices in that category. An example of the Switch category is pictured.

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For most devices, status is indicated by the color of the icon.

The Refresh O button updates device status indications on the display.

Operating Z-Wave Devices Manually

1. On the Z-Wave Device Management screen, select one of the device categories.

2. Select the device you wish to operate. Controls appear.

3. The options shown will vary with your device: Lighting controls might offer an On/Off button or a slide control for dimmers, Thermostats may display temperature set points and energy-saving features.

4. Operate the device as desired.

5. Press to return to the previous screen.

Adding Z-Wave Devices (Include Devices)

NOTE: When adding a device, it may be necessary to perform the Exclude procedure before the device can be Included successfully.

1. On the Z-Wave Device Management screen, press Setup.

2. Press Z-Wave Setup.

3. Options appear, including Include Devices, Exclude Devices and Advanced Tools. (View Failed Devices and Replace Failed Devices may also appear.)

4. Select Include Devices.

After the Gateway enters Inclusion mode, the screen displays "Ready to Include Device. Press the function button on the device".

5. Press the device's Function button within 60 seconds. (Note that the location of the Function button and inclusion process varies with the device you are adding. See the device's instructions.)

The panel displays "Device Found. Please Wait".

6. To include additional devices, repeat step 5.

Press Abort to complete the Inclusion process.

7. Press t3 to return to the previous screen.

Including Light Switches or Outlet Modules

Install the receptacle, wall switch or lamp/appliance module before Including it in your system. Refer to the device's instructions for more information about installation.

Z-Wave switches and outlet modules may vary. Refer to the device's instructions to ensure that it is Included properly in your system.

Including Door Locks

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Including Thermostats (continued)

• If Celsius scale is used in the thermostat, the Gateway must also be set to Celsius scale.

• For thermostats that support Multilevel Sensor Command Class, press the current air temperature to show the sensor type and value, even though not supported.

• If the Energy Saving mode is set, the MyHome Gateway displays Energy Saving Heat/Cooling Setpoint Temperatures that are programmed at the thermostat.

• An additional "Energy Saving" function in the thermostat is used to set/unset the Energy Saving mode.

Gateway Z-Wave Thermostat Functions

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Thermostat Energy Saving Mode

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Deleting Z-Wave Devices (Exclude Devices)

To delete (Exclude) a Z-Wave device:

1. On the Z-Wave Device Management screen, press Setup.

2. Press Z-Wave Setup.

3. Select Exclude Devices.

4. The panel enters Exclusion mode. Next, the MyHome Gateway screen displays "Ready to Exclude device. Press the function button on the device."

5. Press the device's Function button.

The device is excluded from the system and its information is displayed.

6. To delete another device, press Exclude on the right side of the screen.

7. Press t3 to return to the previous screen(s).

Editing Z-Wave Device Names

1. On the Z-Wave Device Management screen, select the category that includes the device you want to rename.

2. Select the device in the displayed list.

The device's controls appear, showing the device's default name.

3. Press Edit on the right side of the screen; a keyboard appears on the screen.

4. Use the keyboard to enter a custom name, up to 14 characters.

5. Save the device's new name.

6. Press to return to the previous screen(s).

Advanced Tools

1. From the Z-Wave Device Management screen, press Setup and then Z-Wave Setup.

2. Select Advanced Tools.

3. Enter the Master User code. The Advanced Tools screen appears:

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View Enrolled Devices

Press to display Z-Wave device information: System Index/name, Secured or Non-Secured, device type, device ID, manufacturer, node number.

View Enrolled Controllers

Press to display controller information: Primary or Secondary, Z-Wave Library Rev., Home ID, device type, device ID, node number, manufacturer, Secured or Non-Secured.

Factory Default Controller

Press to delete all Z-Wave nodes in the Gateway, and reset the Gateway's Home ID. When prompted, press Yes to confirm.

Important! Defaulting the Controller does not delete/Exclude individual Z-Wave devices. Therefore, each device must be Excluded before being added/Included in the Gateway again. Also, if the controller is used as a secondary controller in the network, use the above procedure to default the controller only when the primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.

Rediscover Network

Press to refresh communication paths between new and old Z-Wave devices or repair communication paths for Failed Devices.

NOTE: Some devices may not be included in the network path, such as devices that have been moved outside of the network range, battery devices that are in sleep mode to conserve energy or with low battery conditions.

Advanced Tools (Continued)

Locking Door

Press to have your system arm automatically when a Z-Wave door lock is locked. Press repeatedly to select the desired arming option: Home mode, Away mode, Arm without Auto-Home (Stay) mode or Disabled. Then press Save.


This option is intended for future use.

All Switches Off

Press to manually turn off all Z-Wave devices. (See the following Note.)

All Switches On

Press to manually turn on all Z-Wave devices. (See the following Note.)

NOTE: All Switches On/Off commands broadcast messages over the Z-Wave network

and are intended for testing device communication. They should not be used for basic operation as each Z-Wave device reacts differently to these commands and unintended results may occur. For Example:

• Some Z-Wave enabled thermostats may enter or exit their Setback (or energy saver) modes.

• Z-Wave enabled water valves will open (enabling water flow), however, the All Switches Off command is not processed.

Failed Devices (Failed Nodes)

When the system tries to operate a Z-Wave device that has no AC power or other problems, it is identified as a Failed Device. The system may take up to a minute after the operation to recognize the failure.

Failed Z-Wave devices are also indicated by a Δ symbol on the Z-Wave Device Management screen or the ↑{≡i symbol appears in gray on the Home screen.

To view Failed Devices:

1. On the Z-Wave Device Management screen, select View Failed Devices

OR press Setup, Z-Wave Setup and then View Failed Devices.

2. The device's information is displayed. If multiple devices are listed, use the up and down arrows at right to view the entire list.

NOTE: When troubleshooting a failed device, first make sure that power has been restored and try the Rediscover Network option from the Z-Wave Advanced Tools menu.

3. If a device is defective or otherwise unavailable, use the Fix All option. Press Fix All and "This will delete all failed nodes" appears. Press Yes to confirm.

Devices deleted with Fix All must be added to the system again. See Adding Z-Wave Devices (Include).

To Replace Failed Devices:

1. From the Z-Wave Device Management screen, press Setup, then Z-Wave Setup.

2. Press Replace Failed Devices.

3. When a failed device is highlighted and the "Replace" button is selected, the screen displays "Entering Inclusion Mode. Please Wait…". Next, "Ready to include device, select the function button on the device" appears.

4. Within one minute press the device's Function button or activate the switch, as applicable. If the module has been successfully enrolled, the panel displays "Device Found! Please Wait". After successfully including a device, the device is removed from the failed devices list.

Garage Doors

Home > Automation > Garage Door

Garage door operation from the Gateway requires installation of a garage door control kit. Consult your security professional for more information.

The Gateway can remotely operate and monitor as many as four garage doors. The system can be armed when the garage door is opened. After it is closed, the zone will be monitored without providing burglary protection.


Do not use Gateway's garage door automation with any garage door opener that lacks the safety features required by U.S. federal safety standards (this includes any garage door opener model manufactured before January 1, 1993). A garage door opener that cannot detect an object and stop and reverse the door does not meet current U.S. federal safety standards. Your garage door opener also must signal before unattended door operation. For more information please consult your garage door opener manual.

NOTE: Press Switches on the Z-Wave Device Management menu to configure new

Z-Wave binary garage door openers. Ask your security professional for more information.

Garage Door Operation from the MyHome Gateway App

1. On the Home screen, select Automation.

2. On the Z-Wave Device (Automation) Management menu, press Garage Door. The MyHome Gateway App screen displays the Open/Closed status of your connected garage doors.

3. Select the garage door you wish to operate.

4. Press the button in the middle of the screen to open or close the garage door.

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Important Notes About Z-Wave Devices


Z-Wave enabled devices should never be used to supply power to, or control the On/Off status of medical and/or life support equipment.

Wireless Range

This device complies with the Z-Wave® standard of open-air, line of sight transmission distances of 328 feet (100 meters). Actual performance in a home depends on the number of walls between the Gateway and the destination device, the type of construction and the number of Z-Wave enabled devices installed in the control network.

Note that Z-Wave home control networks are designed to work properly alongside wireless security sensors, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other wireless devices. Some 900MHz wireless devices such as baby cams, wireless video devices and older cordless phones may cause interference and limit Z-Wave functionality.

Things to consider regarding RF range:

• Each wall or obstacle (refrigerators, large TVs, etc.) between the remote and the destination device can reduce the maximum range of 100 feet (30 meters) by approximately 25-30%.

• Brick, tile or concrete walls block more of the RF signal than walls made of wooden studs and drywall.

• Wall mounted Z-Wave devices installed in metal junction boxes suffer a significant loss of range (approximately 20%) since the metal box blocks a large part of the RF signal.

Additional Z-Wave Information

• Gateway can control up to 72 Z-Wave devices.

• The system supports a maximum of 232 nodes. Note that a node is created every time a device is Included, even if the device is being re-added to the system after being Excluded. This can cause the number of nodes in the system to exceed the number of actual devices.

• If the limit of 232 nodes is met and you need to add or re-Include more Z-Wave devices, use the Factory Default Controller function. Be aware that defaulting the controller deletes all of the system's nodes, requiring all devices to be Included again. Node numbers can be viewed by selecting Automation > Tools > Advanced Tools > View Enrolled Devices. Remember that the system may require the Master User code for access to Advanced Tools.

The system is not aware of door locks being enabled with any temporary user shutdown feature such as Vacation Mode. The system continues to unlock a door if programmed to do so via Smart Scenes.

• Z-Wave door locks with thumbturns: Certain models allow a brief period in which the thumbturn can be operated manually before the device locks automatically. Locks of this type are not recommended for use with Smart Scenes.

Z-Wave Compatibility

Z-Wave devices vary; follow the instructions provided with the specific device when including and excluding devices into your Z-Wave network.

NOTE: Not all Z-Wave devices have been tested. Some functions may produce unpredictable results.

Z-Wave Compatibility (Continued)

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EXISTING NETWORK NOTE: Z-Wave products from other manufacturers can be included (added) into the Gateway network. Z-Wave devices that are always powered can serve as repeaters regardless of manufacturer.


Automation: Smart Scenes


Home > Smart Scenes

Smart Scenes are used to automate Gateway functions for comfort, energy savings and security. Multiple settings can be put into effect with a single command. For example, selected lights can respond to a door opening or movement in the middle of the night. Climate settings can be controlled by your schedule and the security system can disarm automatically for expected visitors or babysitters. Selected functions can be restricted to the homeowner, and limited access given to children or guests.


When the Gateway is connected to Honeywell Total Connect™ (or other compatible remote services), Smart Scenes can be created and modified ONLY via remote services.

* If your system is not set up with remote services, Smart Scenes can be created and deleted using the MyHome Gateway App as described in the following sections

Smart Scenes can be created, deleted or edited ONLY by the Master User. See Smart Scenes and User Access for more about types of users and their access to different functions.

Three types of Smart Scene can automate combinations of security and lifestyle settings:

Anytime: Initiated by users.

Triggered: Initiated by the system in response to user-defined conditions.

Scheduled: Initiated by the system's calendar and clock.

Smart Scenes are frequently used in pairs. For example, a Smart Scene might be set to operate multiple devices, turning on lights and opening blinds or shades. A second Smart Scene could be used to return these devices to their off or closed states.

NOTES: • As many as 100 Smart Scenes can be created.

You can modify (Edit), manually start (Run)* and review (Show)* Smart Scenes prior to operation.

• Scheduled* and Triggered Smart Scenes can be paused with the Hold function.

• Setup details vary with each type of Smart Scene.

• Many options in Smart Scenes can be pressed repeatedly to toggle through different option choices.

• The system treats security (Arm/Disarm) actions separately from changes to devices such as lights, locks and thermostats. Setup details with options of both types display them in different categories called Security and Devices.

* Smart Scenes options such as Run, Show and placing Scheduled scenes on Hold can also be done using the MyHome Gateway App.

Smart Scenes and User Access

NOTES: • The Master User designates which types of user have access to each Smart Scene. See Users and Security Codes for more information on different types of users.

• Smart Scenes can be created, deleted or edited ONLY by the Master User.

• The Add New button is available only to the Master User.

From the MyHome Gateway App, Master users can Run and Show all Smart Scenes. Regular users can Run and Show Smart Scenes created for Regular Users, Guests and those designated for "All Users". Guests can Run and Show Smart Scenes created for Guests and those designated for "All Users".

Smart Scenes and User Access (Continued)

To work with Smart Scenes:

1. Select Smart Scenes on the Home screen. A keypad appears.

2. Enter a user code to display the Smart Scenes menu. From here, Smart Scenes can be created* or viewed by type.

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Creating a Smart Scene using the MyHome Gateway App

These instructions apply to the creation and operation of Smart Scenes from the MyHome Gateway App. If your system is connected to Total Connect remote services, you can create Smart Scenes only through Total Connect. Working with Smart Scenes from Total Connect differs slightly. ( Note that Anytime scenes are labeled as "When you manually run this scene" or "When you click it" in Total Connect.)

Creating any Smart Scene involves these settings:

• Name

• The type of trigger that initiates the Smart Scene

• The type of user who can manually run the Smart Scene

• The resulting action(s) that take place when the triggering events or conditions occur

NOTE: Creating a Smart Scene should begin with giving it a Name.

1. Select Add New. (The default name that appears may differ from the illustration.)

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2. Press Name.

3. Use the onscreen keyboard to enter a name and Save it.

4. Select the type of user who can run the Smart Scene. Choices include:

• Master

• Regular Users

• Guest

• All Users

5. Press Action Type to toggle through the types of Smart Scene.

a. Anytime: Go to Step 6.

b. Scheduled: Go to Step 7.

c. Triggered: Go to Step 8.

Creating Smart Scenes using the MyHome Gateway App (Continued)

6. Select Anytime. These options appear:

• Name

• Action Type

• Who can run this Smart Scene? (User type)

• New Action

a. Press New Action to define the system's response when the Smart Scene is triggered.

b. When settings are complete, press until the Smart Scene appears with its name displayed.

c. Press Save. Press to return to the main Smart Scenes menu.

7. Select Scheduled.

a. Select the type of user who can run the Smart Scene.

b. Select Scheduled to display clock and calendar settings.

c. Set a time when the Smart Scene will start. Be sure to specify AM or PM.

You can select Sunrise or Sunset instead of setting a time on the clock. Selecting Sunrise or Sunset overrides the clock controls.

NOTE that updated Sunrise and Sunset times may depend on the system's connection to the internet or cellular phone network. Ask your installer for more information.

d. Set the days of the week for the Smart Scene to take place.

e. Press Save. The schedule settings are displayed.

f. Press New Action to define the response when the scheduled time occurs (see Step 8).

g. Press t3 to return to the Smart Scenes menu.

8. Select Triggered Action. These options appear:

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Smart Scenes can be started by one or a combination of the following options:

• Event Zone Type

• Restore Zone Type

• Trigger

• System Operation

NOTE: Event Zone Type, Restore Zone Type and Trigger can be different kinds of conditions.

For example, a given Smart Scene can be triggered by a Fire alarm OR by an Entry/Exit event. Smart Scenes can also be triggered by Trouble conditions (Trouble as the Trigger in one of the system's zones).

Device-related events (such as Light On, Light Off, Door Locked, Door Unlocked) set the button at right to Device. Choices depend on the devices installed in your system.

a. Event Zone Type starts the Smart Scene in response to any event (Fault, Trouble or Alarm) in any protected Zone of a specific zone type. Select the desired option. Examples of some typical zone types include:

• Entry/Exit (front and back doors)

• Perimeter (typically window sensors)

• Interior Follower (typically motion sensors)

• Day/Night (Usually assigned to sensitive areas where immediate notification of an entry is always wanted.)

• 24 Hour Silent (Emergency (Panic) button)

• 24 Hour Audible (Emergency (Panic) button)

• Silent Burglary (typically a sensor)

• Fire No Verification (smoke detector)

• Fire With Verification (smoke detector)

• Carbon Monoxide (CO detector)

NOTE: Your system may include Zones that do not offer every Zone Type response. b. Restore Zone Type starts the Smart Scene when any zone with the selected Zone Type returns to its normal state (such as a door closing). The options are the same as Event Zone Type options.

NOTE: Event Zone Type and Restore Zone Type are separate settings. For example, a given Smart Scene can be triggered by a Fire Alarm (Fire No Verification as the Event Zone Type) OR by an open door closing (Entry/Exit as the Restore Zone Type).

c. Trigger starts the Smart Scene in response to a Fault, Trouble or Alarm in a particular zone or changes to connected devices.

note about triggering events:

Any change in the state of a security system zone is known as a Fault. Faults can include Trouble and Alarm conditions. Trouble can include low battery or loss of communication with the device. Alarm conditions include zone faults while the system is armed and fire/CO detectors. Fault, Trouble and Alarm conditions can be used to trigger a Smart Scene.

Fault: Any change in the state of a sensor triggers the Scene.

Trouble: Only Trouble conditions trigger the Scene

Alarm: Only Alarm conditions trigger the Scene.

Choosing one of these events sets the button at right to display Zone options. Smart Scenes can also be triggered by changes in connected devices such as lights and locks. These events include:

Light On

Light Off

Door Locked

Door Unlocked

Choosing one of these events sets the button at right to display Device options. d. Choose Zone or Device, depending on your selection of a Trigger above.

Security zone sensors or devices such as lights and locks are listed.

e. Select the zone or device and Save.

f. System Operation starts Smart Scenes in response to security-related events. Examples of some available options include:

• Arm Away

• Arm Home

• Disarm

• Any Burglary Alarm

• Bell Timeout (end of the programmed time for which an alarm sounds)

• Start of Entry Delay

• End of Exit Delay

• Any Fire Alarm

g. Select New Action to define the response when the triggering event occurs.

NOTE: The 24 Hour Silent Alarm or 24 Hour Auxiliary Alarm Zone types will not trigger the selected Smart Scene if the Any Burglary Alarm option is programmed.

9. New Action defines the response when the triggering event occurs. This includes users manually running Anytime Smart Scenes, the time of Scheduled Smart Scenes and the conditions for Triggered Smart Scenes. You can choose both Security and automation device responses. The Security choices are:

• Arm the system in Away mode.

• Arm the system in Home mode.

• Disarm the system.

a. After choosing a Security setting, press t3 and then Save.

b. If you choose to work with Devices, a list of the system's automation devices appears.

c. Select one or more devices and set the device's desired operation. (For example, set switches to on or off, or locks to locked or unlocked.)

d. After adding a device and its desired operation to the Smart Scene, press Save. Other available devices are displayed again so that they can be added to the Smart Scene.

NOTE: In most situations, specific Security and Device information is displayed by pressing the Down arrow.

10 .Press Save.

11 . Press ^ to return to the Smart Scenes menu.

Hold / Run / Show

These controls allow you to pause, preview/execute and review Smart Scenes from the MyHome Gateway App.

NOTE: You can use the Hold, Run and Show functions from the MyHome Gateway App, even when set up with Total Connect remote services.


Hold allows Scheduled and Triggered Smart Scenes to be temporarily suspended.

A Scheduled Smart Scene can be put on Hold before programmed operations take place.

1. Select a Scheduled or Triggered Smart Scene.

2. Press Hold. The button is highlighted, and programmed operation will not take place.

To remove a Hold:

1. On the Smart Scenes menu, enter a user code with access to the desired Smart Scene.

2. Select the Smart Scene and un-highlight Hold. Programmed operation resumes.

Smart Scenes can be manually started with the Run button. The Smart Scene's results are displayed when the programmed operations have been performed.

NOTE: The Run option can be used to check the outcomes of Scheduled Smart Scenes and Triggered Smart Scenes, regardless of programmed triggers.

1. Select the Smart Scene.

2. Press Run. The system performs the programmed operations and the results are displayed. Successful operations are displayed with device information and a check mark. Failed operations are displayed with an empty circle.

Show (Review)

Use the Show button to see the programmed details of a Smart Scene without running it.

1. Select the Smart Scene.

2. Press Show. The scene's category, authorized users and included devices are displayed.


Home > Video

The Gateway can display live video from as many as eight Wi-Fi-connected cameras.

NOTE: Gateway and its cameras must be on the same Wi-Fi network.

Viewing and Naming Cameras

1. Press TC Video on the Home screen. Video appears in windows or the cameras appear in a list.

The system may scan for cameras; when the scan is complete, the camera list appears.

From these screens, you can:

• Press ? to return to the Home screen.

• View live video.

• Name cameras.

• Add cameras to the system.

2. Select one or more cameras (as many as four) in the list.

• When multiple cameras are available, you may select as many as four.

• Selected cameras are highlighted and the Display option appears.

• You can also press Scan to search for other available cameras.

• Press a camera's name again to de-select it.

3. Select Display to see video from the selected camera(s).

• Select Camera List to return to the list view.

• With multiple cameras displayed, you can select one to work with by tapping its video window.

4. Viewing a single camera displays its details, which vary with the camera selected.

For all compatible cameras, you can:

• Name the camera. Select Name above the video display or Edit at right.

• Press Save on the on-screen keyboard. r τ

• Press l j to show the camera full-screen.

• Press -∣ ∣- to return to the detail view.

Some cameras offer additional options such as pan/tilt and built-in lighting.

Adding a Camera

Make sure that the camera is on the same Wi-Fi network as the Gateway system.

• Install the camera according to its instructions.

With the camera installed:

1. View or list cameras as above.

2. Press Scan. The system looks for available cameras.

3. When the new camera is found, you can name it as described above.

Users and Security Codes

Home > Security > Tools > Users

Gateway uses 4-digit codes to restrict certain functions to selected users. A special 4-digit code can be set to trigger the system's Duress function.

User codes can be used interchangeably when performing system functions (a system armed with one user's code can be disarmed by another user's code), with the exception of the Guest Code described below.

All users are automatically assigned a user number, which cannot be changed. Do not confuse these user numbers with user codes .

User Codes

Honeywell Lyric Gateway User Manual 39 - Honeywell Lyric Gateway User Manual

Duress Code


The Duress function requires connection to an alarm monitoring service.

Household members and authorized visitors can enter this code if forced to disarm or arm the system under threat. When the Duress code is entered, the Gateway and keypads appear to behave normally, but the system silently notifies your alarm monitoring service. The Duress Code user number is 48.

NOTES: • A security code cannot be assigned more than once. If an existing code is entered, the system displays the warning User code not accepted! If this occurs, press OK to return to user settings and assign a different code.

• The system should be disarmed before you work with user codes.

• Limited-access users such as guests and cleaning staff should not be instructed on system functions other than those they will be using.

• The number of user codes supported by a Z-Wave door lock can vary between manufacturers. To ensure compatibility with Gateway, set the length of the Master User code on the door lock to be greater than four digits.

Adding Users and Assigning Codes

1. On the Home screen, press Security.

2. Press Tools, and enter the Master User code.

3. Select Users. Existing Users are displayed, along with the Guest and Duress code listings.

Four asterisks appear on each listing that has a security code already established.

See User Settings for full details.

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4. Create and change settings in the menu shown here (the details may vary):

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a. Create User: Press Add New and a new user screen like the one pictured above appears. Set the details as desired.

b. Define/Change Guest Settings: Press Guest and then Edit.

c. Set/Change Duress Code: Press Duress and then Edit. Enter a 4-digit code.

5. Save after making settings. The list of user codes reappears.

6. Press to return to the Tools menu.

Changing Security Codes or the Duress Code

The Master User can change other users' names and security codes as well as delete users from the system.

1. Access the Users screen as shown above.

2. Select one of the listed users.

3. At the bottom of the screen, press Edit. User details appear. Note that a user's number in the system, seen at upper right in the user details, cannot be changed.

Deleting a User

The Master user can delete secondary users from the system.

1. Select one of the listed users.

2. At the bottom of the screen, press Delete. Gateway requests confirmation.

3. Press Yes.

User Settings

User Name

Newly-created users are given a default name. To customize a user's name:

1. Press Name at upper left on the display. A keyboard appears.

2. Press Clear to delete the default name.

3. Enter the desired name, using as many as 10 characters.

4. Save. User details appear.

5. Press Save again. The list of users appears, displaying your changes.

User Code

Newly-created users have no security code. To assign a code:

1. Press User Code. A keypad appears.

2. Press Clear if you are changing an existing code.

3. Enter a four-digit code.

4. Press Done. User details appear.

5. Save. The list of users appears.

Users and Z-Wave Lock Control

NOTE: This option appears only if Z-Wave devices are connected.

Each user can be given the ability to disarm the system by entering their code to open a Z-Wave lock.

When creating or editing a User:

1. Set Z-Wave Lock Control to Yes. Z-Wave Unlocking Door appears.

2. Select Disarm.

3. Press Save.

With this setting, entering a user code at any Z-Wave door lock in the system unlocks the door and disarms the security system.

System Settings


Home > Settings

Adjust voice and system sounds with the Volume slider. System sounds include zone alert chimes and countdown beeps.

Adjust the Gateway touchpad brightness with the Brightness slider.

NOTES: Move the brightness and volume sliders and press Save to adjust the settings.

Voice annunciations are controlled by enabling or disabling PANEL VOICE and CHIME.

Wi-Fi (Network) Configuration

Home > Security > Tools > enter Master User Code > Network Config

Manage your system's router here. Remember that the Gateway, all mobile devices used to operate the Gateway and all Wi-Fi cameras must be on the same network.

To View or Join Available Wi-Fi Networks

1. On the Tools menu, select Network Config then Configure Network. A list of Wi-Fi options appears. (If the option is gray, it is not currently available.)

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2. Press Scan Access Points. A list of available networks is displayed. Use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list. Press to return to the previous screen.

3. Select the desired network and press Edit. The network information is displayed.

4. If a password is required, press Key, enter the password, press DONE and Save.

5. Press JOIN and a confirmation message appears.

6. Press YES and the system announces when connected to the network.

Manually Configure Access Point


The Security setting below must match the security protocol used by your network router.

1. From the list of Wi-Fi options select Manual Config AP. The Wi-Fi enrollment menu appears. (Network Type cannot be changed.)

2. Press SSID Name, enter your network's name, press DONE and Save.

3. Press Security and choose the same security protocol as your router. Options include Open, WPA/WPA2 and WPA2. (WEP is not supported.)

4. If a password is required, press Key, enter your network password, press DONE and Save.

5. Press JOIN. A confirmation screen appears.

6. Press YES and wait. The Gateway announces when it has connected to the Wi-FI network.

Manually Configure Access Point ( Continued )

7. The MyHome Gateway App attempts to connect. Change network settings on all mobile devices that have the MyHome Gateway App to the same network as the Gateway. If necessary re-enroll the device in your system (see Adding (enrolling) mobile devices in your system).

Software Updates

Home > Security > Tools > Advanced


Software updates for the Gateway are published periodically. Certain critical updates are installed automatically.

You can see the current version of the Gateway's software at Security > Tools > Advanced > System Information.

Key Fob Firmware (Wireless Keys)

SiX™ Series wireless keys:

We recommend that you have the wireless key handy so you can work with it as instructed during this procedure.

1. On the Advanced menu, press Update Keyfob Firmware.

2. Press Start and follow the instructions on the screen.

3. Press Stop when the update is complete.

4. Press t3 to return to the Advanced menu.

Other types of Wireless Keys:

Ask your installer about updating your system's other wireless keys.


Home > Security > Tools > Events

The Gateway keeps a log of system events such as:

• Arm/Disarm

• Alarm, Trouble and Fault

• Changes in status of Z-Wave devices

The system can save up to 6000 events. When the log is full, the oldest 2000 entries are deleted to make room for logging new events.

Logs can be viewed at the MyHome Gateway App or on Total Connect Remote Services.

See Event Log Codes for a list of logged events and how they are displayed.

Viewing Events

On the Tools menu, press Events. The MyHome Gateway App Events screen lists all events, sorted chronologically.

Paired Devices

Home > Security > Tools > Paired Devices

This menu displays the name of mobile devices connected to Gateway via the MyHome Gateway app.

The mobile device name is listed here when the app is first configured for use with Gateway.

To disconnect a device, touch its listing on the screen and press Delete.

Press Yes to confirm.

Edit Chime

Home > Security > Tools > Edit Chime

This menu lets you edit chime sounds for select zones.

To change the chime sound for a zone, select a zone from the Zone list and press Edit. Press the Chime button until the desired sound is displayed and press Save.

Honeywell Lyric Gateway User Manual 43 - Honeywell Lyric Gateway User Manual

Where Can I Find Honeywell Lyric Mac Address

Source: https://www.manualall.com/honeywell-lyric-gateway-user-manual.html

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